Multiple Angles. New Perspectives.
We would like to help those who are healthy, to maintain their liver health and prevent liver diseases. We strive to help those who are sick, to manage and overcome their liver problems, enhance their vitality, improve their living ability and quality of life.
Question of the Day
The liver is one of the five vital organs in the human body that are essential for survival, without which many of our bodily functions cannot take place. And in liver cells, various liver enzymes play an important role in completing different tasks on a daily basis. They are namely ALT, AST, ALP, and GGT. Types of liver enzymes Liver enzymes Where they are found
Liver issues, as one of the silent killers, seldom show distinct symptoms until scarring is formed on the liver, which is an advanced stage of liver damage. Yellowing of skin and eyes and persistent lack of energy are probably the most heard symptoms of liver problems. Besides these well-known sy...
Japanese people are known for their longevity and low prevalence of chronic health issues. Japanese diet could be one of the secrets behind their long lifespan. The Japanese diet has been reported to be beneficial in preventing fat accumulation in liver cells. ...
Liver is essential for maintaining the body’s overall health and well-being. It is involved in a wide range of critical functions for proper body functions. We couldn’t risk it failing. A regular liver check-up is a perfect way to monitor our liver health. B...
Although we know alcohol causes tremendous damage to our livers, it is hard to resist a glass of wine and cocktails in social drinking, especially during holidays. Maybe that’s why the concept of Dry January, to quit drinking for a month, gained popularity. But is one-month time enough to r...
YHK users must be familiar with the beneficial effects of YHK, especially in bringing down elevated liver enzymes and its protective effect as anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic, and anti-oxidative properties. Our research shows that YHK contains several properties that demonstrate protective effec...
Since liver plays a key role in many bodily functions, including the production and storage of energy, it is not surprising that liver problems often cause fatigue. It is not uncommon for people with liver problems to experience fatigue. Some describe it as a lack of energy throughout the day, an...
Suffering from liver problems can be overwhelming for patients and their loved ones. Understandably, people suffering from liver problems can experience anxiety, anger, frustration, or fear. Today, we will share some strategies for coping with the emotional impact of liver problems. &nb...
Liver has a natural regeneration power that allows itself to regrow to a normal size even after most of the part has been removed. While the exact type of liver cells that possess this repair power is still controversial, there is no doubt that this unique power is exclusive to the liver. ...
It is not unusual for people to have a misconception that sweating can bring out toxins and unwanted substances. The truth is sweating is not much more than one of the body’s temperature regulation mechanisms. Sweat is released to cool our body back down when our body senses we might be ove...
================================================================================== Question: Which of the following(s) affects liver function? A) Drink a lot of wine and beer B) BMI over 25 C) Medicine D) Always snacking on junk food ================...
Getting enough sleep is essential for us to keep our bodies functioning well. Still, many people have experienced different types of sleep disturbance, such as difficulty falling asleep, disrupted sleep, waking up too early, excessive sleepiness, or unusual sleep cycle. Having trouble with gettin...
Mycobacterium leprae, or Leprosy bacteria, is an ancient bacteria that can cause problems in nerves, skin, and eyes. Many people were terrified by the disabilities it caused. But thanks to the advancement in medical technology, cases caused by leprosy bacteria have been rare in most advanced coun...
We all face stress and anxiety; sometimes, some of us face more serious emotional struggles. Taking care of our emotions is something we should consider important. In the past, the “mind” and “physical body” are separated into two individual systems. But in recent years, m...
Many of us know a healthy diet is one of the ways to protect our liver. But it is not just about eating the right food. It is also about eating in the right way. In 2015, research published in Population Health Management found that eating too fast and eating before sleep significantly impacts li...
Liver plays a big part in our overall well-being and it deserves our protection! Diet is one of the many ways of liver protection. When it comes to improving diet choice, the first thing comes in mind may be cutting off unhealthy food and we forget we can add liver-friendly food into our diet ins...
Liver produces liver enzymes to help our body function, such as breaking down nutrients and toxins and making coagulation proteins. Liver enzymes are good indicators that reflect the liver's health state, including AST, ALP, ALT, and GGT. A blood test can track live...
Around one-fourth of the world’s population has excessive fat accumulated in the liver, and a poor lifestyle is one of the reasons. If this situation leaves untreated, it can lead to serious health consequences. The research found that people with poor night-time ...
Liver fat accumulation can be separated into two main divisions: Alcohol-induced and Non-alcohol-induced. The exact cause of non-alcohol-induced liver fat is still unclear, but current research suggests it is related to a prolonged high level of blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. Lucki...
Our bodies grow old naturally, but the human liver can stay young! A recent study from Germany revealed that no matter what ages people are, their livers stay under three years old on average. The liver is responsible for clearing out toxins from the body. This process ...
There is an outbreak of unexplained liver problems in children globally. By mid-May, there had been around 450 cases reported from over 20 countries. Virus infection causes this type of liver problem. This outbreak seems to affect children under 5 most. Most affected children appeared with signs ...
YHK is a clinically proven supplement that supports liver health. YHK is not only suitable for people with poor liver health but is also designed for liver health maintenance and protection. Multiple international research indicates the patent formula of YHK has a positive effect on liver health ...
Nutrient deficiency has always been associated with some forms of illnesses and disorders. In a study conducted by Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, it is revealed that over 90% of cirrhosis patients have vitamin D deficiency. And vitamin D deficiency is ...
Modern hectic lifestyle is causing most of us to live a life that is not in synchrony with our body’s biological clock. Busy work schedule, active social life, and accumulated fatigue are making us to stay awake when we are supposed to sleep, and sleep when we are supposed to be awake. ...
According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, there is increasing research data and clinical evidence showing that reversing fibrosis to a certain degree is now possible. This is a new hope for many liver disease patients, as fibrosis was once...
Decades before, fatty liver was considered a non-threatening disease because of its relatively rare occasions. As the economy continued to bloom in developed countries, modern style of living such as unhealthy food habits and sedentary lifestyle has taken its toll on our health, especially the li...
Sugar has a bad reputation, thanks to its well-known ability to cause type 2 diabetes and other health complications. While we know that excess sugar is bad for our health, have you ever thought about its effects on the liver? How do diets high in sugar influence our liver health? Do different ty...
Close to where the liver is located, there is an organ that receives much less recognition than it deserves – and that is the pancreas. Because of the close proximity of the two organs, the liver and the pancreas share similar roles in many of our bodily functions. While it is not...
While it is obvious that liver disease affects our health greatly, but did you know that liver disease has a particularly huge negative impact on our blood? A recent research discovers that a type of toxic fats present in blood can offer insights on how fatty liver disease progresses. N...
Obesity is an extremely common cause of type 2 diabetes, the most common form of diabetes that is mainly caused by lifestyle factors. But recent studies carried out by a group of researchers in South Korea found that, having non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) will, in fact, increas...
The liver is one of the five vital organs in our body, responsible for over 500 bodily functions. When it is underperforming or not in its best shape, ALT level is the most useful indication to tell how well it is functioning. What is ALT level? What causes it ...
Cirrhosis is a relatively advanced stage of liver disease that causes the development of many symptoms, such as ascites, itchy skin and jaundice. In order to relieve the symptoms, patients are often being prescribed with different types of medications and antibiotics. While taking too m...
While it is not a newsflash that too much cholesterol is bad for our health, but in what ways is it actually bad for our body, especially the liver? A recent study discovers that high fat, high cholesterol diet can in fact alter our immune system, leading to the development of ...
Over the years, the goal of hepatitis C antiviral treatments has been straightforward – to bring down viral load to a level as low as possible. And because of this, it is not surprising to see that patients are constantly looking for ways to lower their viral count. We have always...
Inflammation is a common defence mechanism in our body. Despite the huge importance it plays in our health, most of the time we don’t give too many thoughts about it because they come and go quickly, like a sore throat or mouth ulcers. Similar to any other parts of our body, our l...
It’s almost the time of the year when we get a little relaxed about our diet and regime. With holidays around the corner, we are probably going to indulge ourselves a bit too much at parties and at family gatherings. Even if we are usually conscious about our liver health, winter is the tim...
Recently we have received a number of inquiries about the treatment options for fatty liver. After being diagnosed with fatty liver disease, patients are often left with frustration, not sure what they can do to fix this problem. Like in many cases, doctors are unable to offer any clear treatment...
Fatty liver disease is often found in people with obesity or diabetes. However, people who appear healthy and have a normal weight might also have this problem – have you ever wondered why? Someone could live a healthy lifestyle and don't have any obvious risk factors for NAFLD, but cou...
Alcohol has silently become a global pandemic, causing a sharp rise in alcohol-related liver diseases such as alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD). In fact, there is a 65% increase in deaths from liver cirrhosis since 1999 and 44% of all liver-related deaths in the US are attributed to alcohol....
Obesity is a major health issue around the world, and it is one of the risk factors that is mostly associated with liver problems. People with obesity (BMI over 25) are often encouraged to pay attention to their ALT level, since ALT is often considered as the first indicator when it comes to live...
Most of our users know that YHK is a liver therapy that is made in Japan. But if we are to be more exact, YHK is a type of Kampo medicine, but what does it exactly mean by Kampo “漢方”? With the combination of the word “漢” (Kam) which refers to a dynasty in ancient...
For years we have known that there is a strong link between obesity and liver cancer, and it is possibly due to the high fat content in the body. And because of this, people with obesity are often considered at risk for liver cancer. A recent research conducted by Monash University and the Peter ...
If you know someone who is diagnosed with more advanced stages of liver disease, then you might have heard of the term MELD score. MELD refers to the model for end-stage liver disease. It is a scoring system that shows how urgently a patient needs a liver transplant. Since MEL...
Being one of the most common and also the earliest type of non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD), fatty liver disease refers to the condition where more than 5 to 10 per cent of the liver is fat. According to the American Liver Foundation, between 30 and 40 per cent of adults in the U.S. suffer fro...
Specially designed for liver health recovery, YHK contains four ingredients that are proven to repair and regenerate liver cells, and they are namely Panax Pseudoginseng, Eucommia, Licorice Root, and Rhizoma Polygonati. Since the four ingredients are often readily available in markets, ...
Many of us are familiar with the word ‘antioxidant’. It appears everywhere on the internet, TV commercials, food advertisement, health channels, and even in cosmetic products. While we have heard from everywhere that antioxidants have a positive health effect on our body, but what do ...
Being the most serious form of liver disease, liver cancer is on the rise globally. While we have always known that liver cancer doesn’t develop overnight, there have not been many studies that investigate the potential risks for liver cancer for patients with liver diseases. According to a...
Cirrhosis has always been a tricky liver condition to tackle, given its complications and symptoms that are difficult to manage. A recent study published in the American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology mentions that lowering the inflammation level of cirrhosis...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is gradually becoming a global epidemic. The number of adults, and even children, being diagnosed with this silent killer skyrocketed like never before. Due to the broad spectrum of liver conditions that NAFLD includes (fatty liver and NASH), a recent res...
Recently we have received quite a few enquiries about YHK’s effect on managing ALT level. Many are curious about YHK’s mechanism of normalising high ALT level as quickly as in 10 days. Some wonder if such fast result is safe, while some have doubts on how long the effective results ca...
Patients with liver diseases often experience different symptoms such as chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, itchy skin, and sleeping disturbances etc. In the western way of treatment, each problem or symptom is tackled individually, leading patients to take multiple medications which cause burden...
As many of you may have known, reports of the new hepatitis C treatment being associated with a higher risk of liver cancer were found when the treatment came out. One of the most notable cases is ...
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become one of the most common liver problems worldwide and it is gradually emerging as the leading cause of serious forms of liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. Currently, there is no direct cure for this liver problem, and due to its a...
Ever since new treatments for hepatitis C have been released in the market, the curing rates have improved to a great extent, reaching more than 90 percent. However, patients often experience ongoing mental side effects after the treatments. According to an article published on Oxford A...
Cirrhosis patients often experience different problems derived from a malfunctioning liver, and malnutrition is one of the most common issues. As the liver has a key role in regulating the overall nutritional state and the energy balance, a liver that is not functioning properly will affect the b...
Patients with liver diseases often experience the problem of itchy skin. Also known as pruritus, itchy skin is a common symptom of various liver problems such as cirrhosis and hepatitis C. It mostly happens during the night and patients mainly experience the itching on the palms of their hands an...
With different types of supplements and therapies available in the market, more and more customers are having a hard time choosing the right supplements for their unique health problems. And with different platforms on the internet for consumers to discuss the therapies that they tried or know so...
A recent report released by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that liver cancer is on the rise. From 2000 to 2016, liver cancer death rates increased 43% for American adults, causing liver cancer as a leading cause of death to soar from the 9th to the 6th ...
AST and ALT are two common markers for diagnosing liver diseases. Patients with liver disorders often find their AST and ALT levels unsatisfactory, but what do the figures actually imply? And do patients of every kind of liver dysfunctions have the same levels? ...
Known as an epidemic silent killer, non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases (NAFLD) affects 25.2% of the global population. While it is clear that alcohol should be completely avoided for individuals with severe liver diseases such as cirrhosis and liver cancer, currently there is no guideline i...
Despite being cured of hepatitis C, your body, especially your liver, will still need time to heal. Thanks to medical advancements in recent years, many patients have been cured by the hepatitis C treatments. However, in most cases, it does not mean that the liver is fully healed, because very of...
Many liver therapies on the market often claim they are made of natural ingredients and that they are safe. However, the word “natural” comes with different interpretations and it is not easy for the general public to differentiate which product is good for the body and which is not. ...
Being one of the serious stages of liver disease, cirrhosis has long been known as a difficult liver condition to deal with. Not only does the liver gradually cease to function because of the scar tissue, but the medical conditions developed from cirrhosis such as portal hypertension pose extra t...
Being the leading cause of chronic liver diseases in the USA and Europe, Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is gradually becoming a common health issue worldwide. According to a recent research, the global prevalence of NAFLD is estimated to be 24%, with South America and the Middle East h...
Cirrhosis patients often experience disturbances in their sleeping patterns, which largely affect their quality of life. While western medical theory often treats health issues by looking at organs individually, Chinese medical theory has a different perspective when it comes to viewing the human...
The liver is one of the five vital organs in the human body that are essential for survival, without which many of our bodily functions cannot take place. And in liver cells, various liver enzymes play an important role in completing different tasks on a daily basis. They are namely ALT, AST, ALP...
ALT level has always been a reliable indicator of liver disease. Acting as a kind of enzyme that breaks down food into energy in liver cells, ALT is sent into the bloodstream when the liver is injured or inflamed, signalling problems within the liver. There is often a perception that only older a...
While there are a lot of diseases in the world that have direct cures, there are still diseases which scientists and doctors have yet to find the remedies in the West, and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is one of them. What is NASH? NASH...
Cirrhosis has always been the kind of liver disease that troubles both doctors and patients because of its non-reversible nature. And because of that, patients often feel despair or hopeless due to the assumption that not much could be done. But is it really the case? ...
As we all know, there are different types of liver diseases and the treatment for each of them differs. However, there is a common medical condition among patients of liver diseases that most find it hard to tackle, and that is low platelet count. What is Low Platelet Count?...
We all know about the importance of maintaining the health of our liver because of the different possible liver diseases if we fail to do so, such as liver cancer and hepatitis. However, among all the liver problems there is one that is often neglected but brings equally harmful effects to our bo...
When someone went through hepatitis C treatment and achieved a successful SVR (sustained virologic response), it can be considered as cured. But liver protection and regular monitoring are still required depending on the condition of your liver at the time treatment ended. And here is why:...
The overall cancer death rate in the USA declined by 1.7 percent in 2015, this is the latest indication of steady, long-term progress against the disease, according to a new report by the American Cancer Society. However, look into the report in more detail we can see a continued increase of live...
In recent years, there is a higher awareness of health maintenance and diseases prevention. With the expansion of the health market sector, there are also more products for consumers to choose from, but not all products are effective or safe, with the lack of regulations in health supplements, it...
Kyotsujigyo uses EMS Speedpost international courier service which is convenient, reliable, and cost-effective when compared with other courier services. From 2018-01-01, EMS Speedpost has updated the shipping charges. According to the recent increased EMS Speedpost cha...
To get the best out of YHK, it is essential to use it at a suitable dose and for an appropriate length of time. Because each of our body condition and liver health is different, each user might require a slightly different dosage to others. And adjusting the dosage according to yo...
A cancer that starts in the liver is called primary liver cancer. There is more than one kind of primary liver cancer, of which, HCC (Hepatocellular cancer) is one of the most common forms of liver cancer in adults. Liver cancer is a deadly disease that has been a growi...
The liver carries out essential functions, including detoxifying harmful substances in your body, cleaning your blood and making new blood and other vital nutrients. Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver caused by long-term liver damage. The loss of liver cells turns into scar tissue ...
Fatty liver disease is a term for a range of liver condition caused by a build-up of fat in the liver. It is usually seen in people who are overweight, but in some cases, fatty liver disease can also happen in people with average body size. It is normal for the liver to contain a l...
YHK Therapy is a natural formula that can help the liver to recover liver function and rebuild liver health. Because of it’s anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrosis properties, YHK is suitable to use for different kind of liver injuries as well as liver protection against liver diseases. ...
In a recent study published in Scientific Reports, experts have warned that the common over-the-counter painkiller could be as bad for your liver as cancer. Paracetamol or acetaminophen (you may recognize it as Tylenol) overdose can damage liver tissue structure. D...
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a condition in which fat builds up in your liver. NAFLD is one of the most common causes of liver disease in the United States. Between 30 and 40 percent of adults in the United States have NAFLD. About 3 to 12 percent of adults in the United States hav...
About 2.7 million persons in the United States are infected with hepatitis C virus in their blood. The majority of these individuals remain asymptomatic for many years following the initial infection, and many people can even live their whole life with hepatitis C virus in their body without know...
Since the introduction of direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy, treatment for hepatitis C (HCV) was revolutionized, as patient outcomes are improved with fewer side effects and high cure rate. However, there is significant debate in the society based on studies that suggest HCV cure does not eli...
Chronic hepatitis C is a slow and progressive disease that causes liver inflammation, fibrosis and cirrhosis. Over a long period of time, hepatitis virus can cause long term damage that is often thought to be irreversible. But recent research is suggesting otherwise, that fibrotic or cirrhotic li...
Using YHK correctly can have a big affect on the results. In this article, we will explain how you can use YHK at a minimal cost to quickly recover your liver health as well as prevent liver problems in the long run! YHK is made with natural ingredients widely used as functional fo...
Primary biliary cirrhosis, or primary biliary cholangitis (PBC), is a chronic liver disease in which the bile duct in the liver is damaged and causes inflammation in the liver. PBC gradually leads to a build-up of bile in the liver, which causes damage to liver cells and this event...
Read Linda's story. ================ “I was diagnosed with a fatty liver and tested for PBC, Primary Biliary Cholangitis and the hepatologist told me there was nothing I could do except to lose weight. I was determined to prove him wrong and researched fatty liver and P...
Chronic liver disease is a serious condition and a leading cause of death among people across the world. The number of liver cancer cases have over took to become the leading cancer since 2014, and fatty liver disease/ NASH is set to become the leading cause of liver transplant in 2020. ...
ALT and AST are enzymes that are normally predominantly contained within liver cells. If the liver is injured or damaged, the liver cells spill these enzymes into the blood, raising the AST and ALT enzyme levels in the blood, and we can use it as a measurement of liver injury. ...
DAAs (direct-acting antivirals) are the latest hepatitis C treatment option introduced to the market, their high price tag has caused great controversy since their introduction but recently people are worried about something else – DAA’s possible side effects. Recent findings revealed...
Liver cancer is one of the most common cancers in many parts of the world. Worldwide, the most common cause for liver cancer is chronic hepatitis C infection. People infected with the hepatitis virus have a high risk of developing chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and ultimately liver cancer. Some ot...
Hepatitis C is a wide spread and deadly disease affecting an estimated of 3.5 million Americans. Treatment for hepatitis C has evolved over the years, going from highly toxic drugs involving injections with horrible side effects, to medications with minimal side effects...
“It isn't fat but rather fibrosis that drives disease progression in people with advanced non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).” NASH is one of the most prevalent liver diseases nowadays. NASH is related to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAF...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) are common liver diseases. They occur in people who drink little or no alcohol at all and are considered to be consequences of obesity. However, “not obese” does not equ...
With thousands of supplements in the market, and little regulations on supplements, finding a suitable one is difficult enough, let alone finding a SAFE one! Here we will look at 5 things that you can look for when buying or using supplements, it can help you to avoid r...
There are various different causes of liver disease; one of these is excessive alcohol drinking which causes ‘alcoholic liver disease’. Alcohol-related liver disease is currently the most prevalent cause of advances liver diseases in Europe. [1] What...
ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase / SGPT) is a type of enzyme found in liver cells. When the liver cells are functioning normally, the ALT enzymes should be contained within the liver cells. You can imagine each liver cells as a balloon, and the ALT enzymes are the ai...
The liver is the second largest organ in the human body, it is located under the rib cage on the right. Its main function is to remove toxic substances from our blood. There are a number of substances that can harm our liver and damage liver cells, including: medications, alcohol, hepatitis virus...
Fatty liver (NAFLD) is becoming increasingly common in our sociality. This silent liver disease can causes chronic injury to liver cells and damaging liver function, it could also leads to fibrosis, cirrhosis and even liver cancer. Tom, who is a business man in his mid ...
Cancer is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States and results in a high economic burden. A recent research published by The JAMA Network has reveal that cancer mortality declined overall in the United States between 1980 and 2014. And the number of deaths for nearly all fo...
Recent research by the University of Edinburgh have gained new insight into how common painkiller paracetamol causes liver damage. The research studied the impact of paracetamol on liver cells in human and mouse tissue. Toxicity liver damage is currently the leading cau...
Fatty liver is on the rise and it is quickly becoming one of the most worrying disease in developed countries, a condition that most Americans have never heard of and now experts say as many as one in three of us may be at risk. Fatty liver disease is a gradual killer which often shows no symptom...
ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase / SGPT) is an enzyme that is mainly found in liver cells. The level of ALT in our bloodstream is the primary indicator of liver health. Multiple studies have demonstrated that the presence of an elevated ALT level is associated with increased liver-related mortality....
ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase / SGPT) is an enzyme that is mainly found in liver cells. The level of ALT in our bloodstream is the primary indicator of liver health. What does high ALT indicate? ALT enzymes are normally contained within liver ...
It’s almost yearend, have you achieved any health goals you wished for? If you are still thinking about how to improve your liver health, this is your chance. We are now offering an exclusive promotion, enjoy 10% off on all orders! Don’t miss ...
Research and developing our products has always been a big part of our work. Kyotsujigyo has worked with a number of well established organisations and universities in the past, including the University of Sao Paulo, GAIA Age-Management Foundation, The University of Western Ontario, University of...
NASH is inflammation in the liver developed from accumulated fat in the organ, also known as fatty liver. NASH damages liver cells and liver function, which results in elevated ALT liver enzyme level. As there are no approved treatments for NASH, the standard reco...
In 2010, some 4.7 million people aged 65 years or older lived with Alzheimer's disease in the US. Alzheimer’s is a common brain disease that causes progressive brain cell death that happens over a course of time. It will also cause a shrink in brain size as th...
There are between 10 to 15 million patients in the U.S. with NASH, and among these patients, one-fifth to one-fourth are at risk for cirrhosis or chronic liver damage. The major characteristic of NASH is fat in the liver, along with inflammation and damage. NASH can be ...
YHK is a clinically proven liver therapy, research data shows that YHK can effectively lower ALT enzymes level and improve liver function within just 10-30 days without any side effects. Having said that everyone might experience different levels of improvement, as each...
Our founder Prof Sha has completed his Ph.D. on Health maintenance last year. And was honoured to be invited as Professor at the Musashino Gakuin University, Japan on International Communication. His main focus as Professor is on Health Maintenan...
A recent study by Cancer Research reveal that obesity and diabetes increases the risks of liver cancer. Liver cancer is ranked at sixth most common type of cancer, the number of liver cancers has tripled since the 70s in the United States. Liver cancers is mainly due to...
NASH (Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis) is closely linked with NAFLD (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). Both of these liver diseases are common, and are often known as silent liver killers. NASH resembles alcoholic liver disease, but occurs in people who drink little or no alcohol at all. The major...
In our last post, we brought up the recent findings on extreme liver cancer growth after successful DAA treatment. We...
You probably have already heard about the new antiviral hep C drug, which is effective but insanely expensive. It claims to have around 90% success rate, that’s why so many hepatitis C patients are dying for it even though it’s extremely costly. But apart from its expensive price tag,...
When we feel sick, a lot of us tend to use whatever medications the doctor prescribes to us, and we are bound to follow their instructions in using these medications, right? Not quite. I’ve seen lots of “must have medications&rdquo...
Nowadays, supplements are an integral part of our diet and an important health management tool. With the increasing incidence of Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), also known as Lifestyle Diseases, [1] supplements will surely play a more important role in disease prevention in the near future. ...
We often look for health supplements to help our body to function better and for health support. There are thousands of supplements available in the market, how do we know which is right for us? Currently, there is a lack of regulations on supplem...
Much has been said of the efficiency and efficacy of YHK, a natural liver therapy from Japan. But what enables YHK to achieve what western medicine has yet to be capable of - normalise ALT & AST levels and prevent liver injury? The answer lies in the formula of YHK, instead of using a single ...
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) or liver cancer is currently the third leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide, affecting over 500,000 people. One of the major risks for the development of HCC is persistent infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) and cirrhosis. Despite the recent development ...
Fibrosis is scarring of the liver that results from chronic inflammation. It is a process where the damaged, dying liver cells are replaced by fibrous scar tissue, causing the liver to become hard. The extent of liver fibrosis can vary, and it is often classified in several stages. The most commo...
The World Health Organization’s strategy on viral hepatitis in 2015 estimated that there would be 1.4 million deaths from hepatitis-related diseases in 2016. The mortality rate is very high and the number of deaths is far greater than the sum of deaths from Malaria and HIV [1]. Therefore, o...
The launch of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) in recent years has made a huge impact on the treatment of hepatitis C. Not only has this new option made viral clearance possible for many patients, it also has been proved to have higher success rate than traditional interferon treatment. Studies ha...
The liver is a multitasking organ that is responsible for more than 500 essential functions. Two of the main functions of liver are detoxification and energy generation. The liver cleanses or filters blood by breaking down alcohol, drugs and other chemicals, and by neutralizing and removing toxin...
World Hepatitis Day 2016 is just around the corner (on July 28), aiming to boost global awareness on hepatitis, this year’s campaign is “Elimination” which can be achieved through universal vaccination, enhanced blood and injection safety, as well as harm reduction and...
Eliminating the virus in patients’ body has been deemed as the only approach to treat hepatitis C. Direct-acting antiviral drugs (DDAs) launched in recent years are proved to be more effective than interferon, but they are very expensive, thus arousing great debate in the society. Take the ...
Liver is a silent organ that doesn't complain too much. We usually don't pay attention to it until something serious happens. Hepatitis infection may occur with limited or no symptoms, but once the ALT level keeps two times higher than normal value, that indicates liver is damaging contin...
The number of deaths caused by liver cancer is constantly increasing; in 2012, liver cancer has caused more deaths than any other cancers globally. The prevalence and severity liver disease is obvious. To liver disease patients, nothing is more worrying than chronic inflammation and the possibili...
The current medication for hepatitis B may be able to stop virus replication, but there are also some major shortcomings, mainly due to the toxicity of the drug itself.1 In addition, the patient is required to use the drug for a long period without stopping. Besides, the medication can...
Recent data released by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that the deaths associated with hepatitis C reached an all-time high of 19,659 in 2014. Since 2013, the annual hepatitis C-related mortality surpassed the total combined number of deaths from 60 other infectious di...
According to the treatment guidelines published by WHO (World Health Organisation) in 2015, antiviral therapy is not recommended for hepatitis B patients with persistently normal ALT levels regardless of age. [1] Some patients may find this strange, why is antiviral treatment not recommended when...
A study published in the International Liver Congress in 2016 [1] came up with a shocking and unexpected result: Patients with hepatitis c and cirrhosis who use direct antiviral agents (DAA) may begin to develop liver cancer within 2 weeks. Leading researcher Stefano Brillianti, MD stated “...
Liver fibrosis is a condition that occurs in many chronic liver diseases. It is usually caused by long term inflammation and damage to liver cells. Some of the common causes of liver inflammation are: Chronic hepatitis B/C, fatty liver disease, alcohol abuse, drug toxicity liver damage, etc. Live...
Currently, the most common liver diseases affecting our society include: viral hepatitis B/C, fatty liver, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, NASH, cirrhosis and liver cancer. [1]Drugs for each of these diseases have their downside and shortcomings, such as high treatment costs (Hepatitis C), low...
A report published by the WHO (World Health Organisation)stated that the number of people living with diabetes almost quadrupled since 1980, from 108 million adults in 1980 to 422 million in 2014.Most of these people live in developing countries. The main causes of diabetes are overweight and obe...
There are two conventional treatment options for hepatitis B: interferon and long term medication that aims to control the replication of hepatitis virus. Both treatments aim to slow down and limit damage to the liver cells. [1] But in reality, how beneficial are these treatment methods to the pa...
A recent report released by the US National Cancer Institute showed that among the top ten deadliest cancers, liver cancer is killing the most people. Over the past 10 years, the number of deaths caused by liver cancer has increased by 2.2% (women) and 2.8% (men) every year. The main causes for l...
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a very common disorder worldwide. NAFLD affects up to 25% of people in the United States1 and there is growing trend among young people in recent years. Generally, fatty liver does not cause permanent damage unless being inflamed (NASH). Doc...
Hepatitis viruses are the most common cause of hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver. There are 5 main types of hepatitis viruses including types A, B, C, D, and E. Among these 5 types of viral hepatitis, hepatitis B and hepatitis C are the most common [1] Although there are some differences be...
For many years, countries around the world have actively studied and invested in developing new drugs for hepatitis C, hoping to come up with a cure that can kill the virus. This effort has resulted in the launch of new direct antiviral DDAs drugs, which have a higher success rate than the conven...
Whether you have fatty liver, NASH, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, drug related liver damage, or alcohol liver disease, ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase / SGPT) level is the primary indicator of liver health. As long as your ALT level remains normal, liver health is ensured. Other liver function test res...
Hepatitis C viruses share a common characteristic to other chronic liver diseases; it could damage the patients’ liver cells. Hepatitis C patients should focus on stopping or reducing the damage in the liver, and this focus should be the same for other chronic liver diseases e.g. hepatitis ...
The latest direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) for hepatitis C were launched more than a year ago. [1] Although the success rate of the new drugs is higher than previous medications, can it truly solve the problem for millions of chronic hepatitis patients? Is the liver safe from injury a...
Over the years, people have used interferon as the primary treatment for chronic hepatitis. Direct-acting antiviral drugs (DDAs) launched in recent years can control the replication of hepatitis virus. Although the prices of these drugs are very high, they are more effective than interferon. [1] ...
New hepatitis C drugs launched in recent years work better than conventional anti-viral therapy. The new drugs can stop viral replication in the patient’s body, so that the viruses stop multiplying. The new drugs have caused much social repercussions, apart from all the reviews of its effic...
YHK has significant effect in stopping liver inflammation; it can enhance the recovery of liver health and protect liver cells. Those who have experienced YHK often have these questions in mind: Why is YHK so different from other liver medicines and supplements? Why is it possible to have such un...
The biggest concern for chronic hepatitis patients is the worsening of liver inflammation; the chronic inflammation can cause liver function to gradually decline, leading to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. [1] Many patients are longing for the launch of new antiviral drugs, hoping and expecting...
Many chronic hepatitis B and C patients have had liver damage for more than a decade, [1] these patients are often treated with antiviral treatment, [2][3] but some patients are not able to receive antiviral treatment due to various reasons. [4] Sometimes relapse might occur after antiviral treat...
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) infects millions of people worldwide. Patients are desperate for an effective treatment but medical professionals and the pharmaceutical industry have yet come up with the ideal one. There are two main reasons why HCV is so hard to kill. Firs...
Currently, the most common chronic hepatitis C treatment option is antiviral treatment. Hepatitis C patients often consider antiviral treatment their only way out, so they decide to adopt this treatment without fully understanding the risks and sacrifices t...
We received a questions: I was told by my doctor that I am infected with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and LFT shows that I have a high viral count. But my liver function remains normal, why is that? Hepatitis virus (HBV or HCV) causes damage to the li...
Currently, the most common chronic hepatitis C treatment option is antiviral treatment. This kind of treatment aims to reduce and eliminate hepatitis C virus in the body, to prevent virus from attacking the liver, and to slow down or stop the worsening of liver damage and advancement to other liv...
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the buildup of extra fat in liver cells that is not caused by alcohol. In most people, early forms of NAFLD are unlikely to cause harm. However, if the fat continues to build up, it can eventually lead to inflammation or fibrosis of the liver. ...
We received a case like this: A hepatitis C patient wanted to try an alternative therapy his friend recommended. His friend’s results were remarkable and there were no side effects. His liver function test also indicated that the therapy effectively improves liver health. He asked hi...
According to the latest data provided by the World Health Organization, there are 400 million people living with hepatitis B and C worldwide; 1.4 million die due to these infections every year and many more become newly infected. [1] In recent years, WHO launched a range of new strategies and gui...
This phenomenon is actually quite common. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) causes damage to the liver by first evading the immune system and then attacking the liver cells, leading to hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). When liver cells are attacked, liver function will be affected and become abnormal....
To protect our liver, we first need to know what harms our liver. We all know that alcohol can harm our liver, but what other dangers are there? The liver is involved in many critical functions that keep us healthy. Learn more about the things that can cause damage and help your l...
NCD stands for non-communicable disease, also known as “lifestyle disease”. This type of diseases are not passed from person to person. They are usually chronic diseases that progress slowly throughout a long period of time. NCDs are preventable and the most common causes are smoking,...
Currently, there is no approved treatment for NASH. [1] As the underlying cause for the transition from simple fat buildup in the liver to NASH remain unknown, conventional medical therapies for NASH have not yet been proven to be effective. The recommendations medical professiona...
Think of the liver as a big factory in the body for metabolism and distribution of nutrients. The liver takes up toxic substances and converts them into harmless substances, or discharges them from our body. It also performs many vital metabolic functions including breaking down fat to produce en...
There are two types of fatty liver disease, alcoholic and nonalcoholic. Usually, inflammation caused by alcoholic fatty liver disease will go away once the patient ceases alcohol intake. The situation is different for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is characterized by the accumul...
As the underlying cause is not yet known, currently there are no specific therapies for NASH. The standard recommendations given to people with NASH are to follow a balanced diet, do exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle, in hope of decreasing the amount of fat in the liver. Reducing weight to a ...
Sometimes, people infected with HCV choose not to or cannot undergo treatment to eradicate the virus because of a number of reasons (e.g. price of treatment, side effects, condition of the liver, overall health condition, recurring infection, etc.) [1] When not using antiviral treatment, patients...
Fatigue and sleep problems are very common among cirrhosis patients. Some nights you can’t go to sleep, other nights you wake up every two hours. We know it can be very frustrating. So here, we are going to look at some ways which may help you get a good night’s sleep. It could be the...
We recieved a case: Treatment recommended by my doctor is not effective, it is expensive and the side effects are hard to bare, and I am finding it hard to carry on. I am interested in an alternative therapy that my friend is using, but my doctor does not want to know about it. What should...
ALT (or GPT) is a liver enzyme. Under normal circumstances, this enzyme resides within liver cells. But if the liver is injured, it will causes the liver cells to break and spill the enzymes into the blood stream, raising the enzyme level in the blood. [1] The level of ALT, along with another les...
Functions of the Liver The liver is the second largest organ in the body after the skin. It performs many vital functions including: Producing bile Producing proteins for blood plasma Detoxifying the blood by clearing harmful subs...
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis or NASH is a type of non-communicable disease (NCD), also known as “lifestyle disease”. This type of disease is preventable and the most common causes are smoking, alcohol abuse, unbalanced diets and lack of physical activity.[2] NASH is similar to alcohol...
There are two types of liver cancer, primary and secondary. Primary liver cancer is cancer that begins in liver cells. The most common form of primary liver cancer in adults is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), which begins in the main type of liver cell called the hepatocyte. Secondary or metastat...
Fatty liver is the accumulation of fat in liver cells. Fatty liver can be categorized into two types in general: alcoholic and nonalcoholic. Alcoholic fatty liver (AFL) is caused by excess consumption of alcohol and is usually reversible. [1] However, unlike alcoh...
Hepatitis B is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). It can cause both acute and chronic disease. During the first six months, the hepatitis B infection is considered to be “acute”. If a person tests positive for HBV for more than six months, then they are diagnosed...
The liver is an important organ for metabolism, which is capable of self-recovery. But if the liver is constantly damaged, serious diseases may develop. Therefore it is essential to maintain liver health, especially for those who are at high risk of liver diseases (e.g. those who have fatty liver...
Hepatitis C is an infection caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV). This virus attacks the liver and leads to inflammation. It is generally considered to be among the most serious of hepatitis viruses. Some people who are infected with HCV will recover within six months without any treatment. ...
The liver is the largest glandular organ in the body. It performs a number of vital functions; it makes many of the chemicals required by the body, it breaks down and detoxifies substances in the body, and it also acts as a storage unit. Here is a list of the li...
Cirrhosis is a late stage of fibrosis of the liver. It is the result of long term damage to liver cells. Fibrosis of the liver is excessive accumulation of scar tissue that results from ongoing inflammation and liver cell death. Each time your liver is injured, it tries to repair itself. I...